The FA Cup lives somewhere up there...(c)Bidgee

This week’s podcast is aptly titled Dreamin’, because the FA Cup does seem to exist an ethereal plane just outside the earth’s atmosphere. Our opinions of ‘Britain’s favourite cup competition’ might be slightly different by the time next week’s edition rolls around, but those weird Ben Watson masks are proof that Wigan’s successful cup run of ’13 will be long remembered. At least until they inevitably win the Premier League. (You heard it here first!)
Despite a distinct streak of realism running through the PWU camp, we can’t help but be drawn into the Cup Sideshow yet again. Rumours abound that Sir Ben might extend his contract for another year… or however long his injury allows him to. Move over DW, there’s a new broken leg in town.
Also this week, Nottingham Forest Saturday and Sheffield Wednesday… Wednesday. But also, the FA Cup! (*Grins like a kid from a toothpaste commercial*)
Contents: Barry’s awesome agenda (0:00); Sherwood Forest review (1:49); injury raisin d’etre (16:05); very pleasing league table recce (18:47); doin’ the Shaun Maloney (28:10); Man Citeh preview (30:32) including Meet The Ref with Anthony ‘Manchester’ Taylor; Walk4Joseph reminder (44:35); Wednesday Wednesday preview (46:18)
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Progress With Unity is currently the only Wigan Athletic fan podcast on the web. If you wish to get involved or have any topics you’d like to be discussed, please get in touch with Barry at wigan@vitalfootball.co.uk, marking your email PWU Podcast.
Tweet us your questions and comments: @PWUPodcast

Oh yes, we’re squeezing any remaining joy out of this FA Cup thing. Actually, don’t expect things to change even after Wigan are dumped out (in 2016) – I’ll personally see to it that you never bloomin’ forget about you know what. Not that you ever would, but just in case, PWU’s iTunes, RSS and app pages will also provide access to weekly reviews of the 2013 FA Cup Final.