Warning: this podcast contains bad egg puns (c)World Health Organisation

Another potentially slanderous edition of Progress With Unity welcomes the return of domestic football, covering the three most important podcast topics: sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll. Or, in this case, cock ‘n’ roll (b’gorrk).
Taking a break from biscuit jokes and Holt jibes (well, kind of), the team chalks up a record number of pie references and silly re-heated chicken puns you certainly don’t want to put on your sandwich. Incredibly, there’s also some factual analysis of the international matches taking place across the globe this week, plus the usual positive predictions for two away games to come.
And for those requesting more formation and team line-up chat, see Match Magazine! Only kidding, because PWU actually has some of that in this hyperextended hour-long Latichat. Erm, I get the feeling you might want to use those timecodes, though…
YouTube version
Contents: Potenshially confushing introsh (0:00); Fair Play pie bonus (2:25); international superstar soccer (7:30) including home nations review; egg-cellent Blackburn preview (16:45) with Statman, shoutout to Paul Tierney (23:35) and predictions (31:40); Huddersfield preview (33:45); Paul = Statman 2.0? (44:20); Columba’s return – dun dun dunn! (49:00)
Get involved!
Progress With Unity is currently the only Wigan Athletic fan podcast on the web. If you wish to get involved or have any topics you’d like to be discussed, please get in touch with Barry at wigan@vitalfootball.co.uk, marking your email PWU Podcast.
Tweet us your questions and comments: @PWUPodcast

I posted the warning about egg puns, but I really should have mentioned the extended Shortsman discussion first. Thankfully it’s near the end, so if his very name brings a gnarled expression to your face, stop listening somewhere after the 45 minute mark. Phew, I think I told you just in time to save 342 letters of complaint weighing down my PO box.
Only joking, the postman refuses to even sort my letters after that incident with the alligator. Hey, it isn’t illegal as long as I have him on a lead! And what was Kevin Friend doing paddling in Ali Habsi Gator’s pool, anyway? I’ll be back right after I field this angry phone call from the postmaster, but in the meantime you can analyse those PWU iTunes, RSS and app pages in Statman-esque detail.
“No, Mr Postmaster, I didn’t lick the pre-glued stamps again – that must have been a different Dan JWAW…”