February 9, 2025
Engine race false start

Featuring more false starts than a steam locomotive race!

Engine race false start
Featuring more false starts than a steam locomotive race!

OK, I’ll admit we haven’t been the chirpiest bunch this year… or at least, that’s the way it might seem. It is hoped that this week’s podcast, the second in a series of summertime specials with free bucket and spade, will prove that it hasn’t all been serious business down at Studio PWU. In truth, many of the funniest moments have had to be cut for the purposes of professionalism, time restrictions (yep, on the internet… who’d have thought it?) and to avoid expensive lawsuits. While we can’t exactly broadcast anything slanderous, there’s still plenty of colourful language to behold. It’s censored, of course, so have fun trying to figure out exactly what those ‘profanities’ were!

Warning: there are unexpected burps and nose-blowings in this recording. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!

“Never mind, we can fix it in the edit” — JWAW

“I hope to God you’re not as dumb as you make out.” — Orange Juice

“Vellkom… Welcome to the latest edition of the Progress With… Podcast.” — Barry

Artists’ tribute section

Excuse the fact there is no YouTube version for this one – I was very naughty and used copyrighted music. To atone for this, please support Orange Juice by buying their stuff from iTunes and giving them a prolonged Gazza clap. Do not buy their records from eBay because the artist doesn’t receive a penny, and it probably costs the same for a second hand single as it does for a digital download. Plus you get three high quality MPs, or so they tell me. JWAW supporting artists, yeah!

Get involved!

Progress With Unity is still the one and only weekly Wigan Athletic fan podcast on the web. If you wish to get involved or have any topics you’d like to be discussed, please get in touch with Barry at wigan@vitalfootball.co.uk, marking your email PWU Podcast.

Tweet us your questions and comments: @PWUPodcast

Hair rollers
It takes lots of preparation to maintain a genuine ’80s perm. (c)Louis Calvete

At the risk of perpetuating the stereotype that I only ever talk about ‘old stuff’ on this blog, I would like to point you in the direction of @LaticsOfficial‘s current archive hunting expedition. ‘Latics in the Third Tier‘ is a fascinating look back at Wigan Athletic’s progress in the late 1980s, complete with full-colour team photos and the unsung permstache combos of Springfield Park’s heyday. Certainly a wonderful summer project to take our minds off a ‘not so great’ season… uh oh, I shouldn’t have brought that up again!

Look, I’m sure all recollection of the previous 12 months will be wiped clear from your brain’s hard drive when you’ve listened to this, the latest in a series of PWU summer specials. There will be more, and PWU’s Twitter, iTunes, RSS and app pages will let you know when a new episode has been released. Beware: it could be literally any time, including 4.30am on a Sunday morning… though it’s most likely to be a Wednesday night. Ah, good ol’ predictable PWU.

Emmerson Boyce, This is Your Life

Just in case you missed it…

PWU Podcast latest episodes

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