One thinks our Roy's been watching his FA Cup FInal DVD
[Scattered applause punctuated by the odd chesty cough]
Thank you, ladies and gentlemen! I welcome you to Sharpy’s Restaurant for this very special end of season dinner. While the PWU regulars are currently tucking into their cod and chips, here is a brief montage of memorable clips from this campaign. Wait, what? We haven’t got the rights to show them?
[Fumbles around nervously] Hey, this jumbo sausage tastes excellent. Oh, I mean… football? Yes, there has been some in the past week, and the PWU team are on hand to briefly discuss the ‘surreal’ Villa clash over their mushy peas and gravy. Not for long, however, because there is real business to attend to, namely looking back on a whole season of tasty podcasts.
Once the Last Supper is consumed, it’s time for the awards. Categories include Worst Haircut, Hero of the Season, Photograph of the Season and many, many more we made up on the spot! Definitely worth a listen, as there are some surprising victors from left field.
Contents: Aston Villa review (0:00); favourite games of the season (8:25); squad recruitment drive (11:56); room for pudding? (19:35); PWU End of Season Awards (20:25); predictions for 2014 (50:25)
Get involved!
Progress With Unity is currently the only Wigan Athletic fan podcast on the web. If you would like to get involved or have any topics you’d like to be discussed for the new season of PWU Podcasts please get in touch with Barry at wigan@vitalfootball.co.uk, marking your email PWU Podcast.
Well, folks, that’s it for the PWU Podcast this season. It is indeed an emotional time for us all but you can subscribe to the iTunes, RSS and app for news on any close-season/summer specials in the coming eight weeks or so until the commencement of the 2014 Championship campaign. In the words of the Beano, never be without a… PWU Podcast. Or something.
Enjoy your summer. I hear England are doing moderately well in the cricket so we have something to watch in the meantime.