Greetings… erm, small time weblog readers? Did I say that right? I am Ed...
At present, Wigan Athletic Football Club is a clickbaiter’s dreamland. Ever been irritated by...
Eh? What was that yer said theer, lad? I can’t hear a ruddy thing...
End of season dinner time. As the nation prepared to park their hounds outside...
Why, dear reader? Why would you ever feel the evil urge to buy one...
It’s the event you’ve been waiting 365 days for! Yes, now Progress With Unity’s...
“I went for the nibbling technique rather than the stuff it all in.” So...
All of a sudden, I know exactly what that Derren Brown bloke is talking...
Neil Robertson, what a guy! On becoming the first player to make a maximum...
Oh, it’s serious stuff. When a mere midweek messabout is promoted to Saturday status,...