February 8, 2025
Don't drop that iPad Arouna

Don't drop that iPad, Arouna!

Seeing the FA Cup paraded around Market Place, just like we predicted on the PWU Podcast, was something of a surreal experience. Of course, we were never totally serious about it all, were we? The very notion of such a thing is foolish, surely? But no, this afternoon I got to see Arouna Kone balance the FA Cup in one hand and his iPad in the other before whipping the assembled crowd of approximately 30,000 into a veritable frenzy.

George Formby cup fever
George Formby gets caught up in cup fever.
Believe in Wigan
The power of belief.

By 4pm, the streets were already lined with hundreds of expectant Wiganers, and by 5pm, you literally could not move. I hope you got a good spot and didn’t spend half an hour staring at the back of some idiot’s head, or worse, a guy blocking your view by taking low quality photographs for his silly little website.

Believe in Wigan aeroplane
Wonder how much it cost to rent that plane?
The Latics parade bus rolls into town
The Latics parade bus rolls into town
Here comes the parade bus
The reality sets in – this is actually happening.

Stood outside the Grand Arcade, you could hear the bus arriving before you saw it. But soon it came into view and trundled up the hill towards Market Place at a suitably leisurely pace, allowing people to get a great view of their heroes as they passed. Some lucky spectators even got doused with champagne!

Don't drop that iPad Arouna
Don’t drop that iPad, Arouna!
Well done lads
Well done lads, it was never in doubt.

Tune in soon for the second part of this JWAW photo special, or check the Twitter feed for yet more exclusive(ish) pics.

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