February 9, 2025

Bye bye retro dryers, hello technology! (c)Solomon203

Bye bye retro dryers, hello technology! (c)Solomon203

‘On location’ editions are frequently fraught with danger. Mr Tannoy Man always wants to voice his opinion, which would be fine, but I’m not sure the PWU listenership are too interested in a double-parked Renault Clio, registration PUI1 9TY.

And that’s not to mention the brand new, state-of-the-art hand dryers. As much as I love them and understand the so-called FA Cup Champions should have such facilities, you could see shoppers on the Robin Park complex turn their heads as the dryer cacophony reached a crescendo. It’s an idea to employ orchestra conductors and have a charity concert with them in the near future. Yes, I’ll email the club with that one right away!

I shall, however, refrain from mailing my opinions on yesterday directly to the club for the time being. Most of this bite-sized episode focuses on last week’s encounter with Bournemouth and Sunday’s equally difficult clash with Middlesbrough, seeing as Doncaster is already yesterday’s news. Or the day before yesterday, to be precise.


Contents: Bournemouth review (0:00); Middlesbrough preview (5:56)

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Progress With Unity is currently the only Wigan Athletic fan podcast on the web. If you would like to get involved or have any topics you’d like to be discussed for the new season of PWU Podcasts please get in touch with Barry at wigan@vitalfootball.co.uk, marking your email PWU Podcast.

There are also PWU iTunes, RSS and app pages etc. but forget that, because this:

Leon Barnett: You won’t like him when he’s angry! 😀

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