January 14, 2025

Olivier Krappo couldn't hit it for a Cadbury's Twirl.

Olivier Krappo couldn't hit it for a Cadbury's Twirl.
Krappo couldn't hit it for a Twix.

More like a blessing full stop.

I think it’s fair to say that Olivier Kapo isn’t the most popular of guys down at the DW. Steve Bruce mystified fans throughout last season by continuing to play him in the attacking midfield position while many thought there were better players waiting on the sideline to readily take his place.

Certain fans, this one included, came close to tearing their hair out over his fifty yard pot shots that never even came within a double decker’s distance (that’s the bus, not the chocolate bar) of the opposition goalkeeper. Although he did manage one potentially crucial goal against Chelsea, this does not make up for the many other chances he wasted throughout the course of the season.

Every time his name appeared on the starting lineup, I’d think “oh, maybe he’ll do something good this time”. More often than not, though, I felt let down by his performance as he struggled against the best — and in some cases the worst — the Prem had to offer.

This season there are no excuses, what with the bazillions of quality midfielders now at the club. The Wigan Evening Post seem to be making a huge thing about how his injury will be a big blow to Martinez, but it would be silly to let this back page off-season filler propaganda scare you. Don’t look at it as a problem, but an opportunity for the other guys to show they are better than Mr. Kapo, leading to his eventual sale to Sunderland for more than we paid for him. As my Daily Mail reading Dad might say, ‘they’re not stupid, you know. It’s all about making money’.

Don’t get me wrong. He isn’t the worst player in the world, and will more than likely prove effective at Championship level (no doubt with Sunderland for the 2010/11 season), but surely a club with aspirations of Europe can do much better.

2 thoughts on “Kapo to miss start of season – a blessing in disguise?

  1. Just trolling through the many latics sites suffering jetlag in Malaysia. Your comments about mr Kapo were exactly what I had been thinking all year. In fact I thought that brucie was going to bring the full birmingham team upto wigan, and based on our crao run of results toward the back end of the season, i thought we may have suffered the same fate as them (goin down goin down goin down)

    Anyway thanks for letting me know Im not on my own and your comments about brucie buying him back in the championship made me pee myself. I tried to like brucie, but never really forgave him for the crap situation he left Paul Jewell many many moons ago.

    Thanks for the blog….still chuckling….must be the beer/heat/jetlag

  2. You certainly aren’t on your own, Paul, I know of many people who lost their patience with Kapo long ago. I just think it’s time to move on.

    Cheers for dropping by!

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