February 12, 2025
DW Stadium East Stand empty

DW Stadium East Stand empty

Why did we ever doubt it? Once again, Latics are punching (and in some cases kicking, but the less said of that the better) their way to a respectable position considering a season of largely average results. Sticking with the weather theme, it’s a bit like staying inside with a cup of cocoa while neighbours are frantically clearing their paths, then waiting for the snow to melt before sweeping away the discarded crisp packets and half-consumed bottles of Fanta.

With a bit of luck, you’ll be hearing similar (admittedly dodgy) analogies between now and the end of the campaign, hopefully involving that fabled trophy in town this afternoon. Speaking of which, did I mention there are less than nine days until the FA Cup semi finals? I must draw your attention to a variety of pre-Wembley events going on next week, some of which may involve the PWU Podcast. Oooh, spoilers! Hey, it’s like waiting for your Christmas presents, isn’t it?

Where’s Wally-style task: try and spot the moment a participant carefully and quietly extracts an Uncle Joe’s from the bag before noisily dropping it on the table, provoking a Muttley laugh from another participant (perhaps myself). Here’s a hint: it’s somewhere around the 42 minute mark.

Contents: Norwich review (1:31); QPR preview (20:12); Joseph’s Goal bash update (48:07)

Get involved!

Progress With Unity is currently the only Wigan Athletic fan podcast on the web. If you would like to get involved or have any topics you’d like to be discussed please get in touch with Barry at wigan@vitalfootball.co.uk, marking your email PWU Podcast.

The PWU banter continues over on Twitter at the @JesusIsAWiganer and @PWUPodcast accounts. The former is mine, despite the slight naming discrepancy – those of you who listened last week will know the tale of ‘too few characters’, but I’m already wasting too much bandwidth by repeating this for the umpteenth time this month. Better save space somehow… erm, right. PWU iTunes and RSS pages exist. Also, cheers.

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