Until the internet came along, I always wanted to write or compile my own fanzine. Hence, I like to pay particular attention when changes in the Latics paper-based ‘zine scene are afoot. I’ve been dropping the odd not-so-subtle hint that something may be in the pipeline, but it’s now official: All Gone Latics is now available for pre-order from the world wide interwebs. And it shall be available for physical purchase from 1 November 2014 – that’s the Saturday Wigan play Fulham at the DW Stadium. Heeeere’s what it looks like:

Cool, eh? Well, I’m not really allowed to say so myself because I was the individual that potato chopped that cover together with bits of masking tape and a packet of 99p felt tips from the pound shop. I know, I didn’t have the heart to give their penny back! Plus I need that 1p for my half time pie fund.
I can’t speak for other contributors’ articles as it’s all very top secret at the moment, but I have a couple of stories in there. One relates to the Minecraft image of Mr Rooney you see in the above thumbnail, while the other may or may not be a huge promo piece for the Progress With Unity Podcast. And the shameless self-promotion doesn’t stop there! To find out more, buy it NAAOWW for the low, low price of 200 buttons and get a free envelope (minus the space the fanzine takes up) of genuine Wigan air.
Press release
Here’s what I believe to be a press release, though I did copy-paste it from Mr Barry Worthington’s Vital Latics site. Don’t tell him or he may get very mad indeed.
Wigan Athletic now have a 2nd independent printed fanzine.
Issue 1 of All Gone Latics is now available to buy online for just £2 + P&P and you can order from here: www.freewebstore.org/All-Gone-Latics , all orders will be dispatched between Friday 24th – Monday 27th October. 1st class and 2nd class postage is available.
The first issue features contributions from 11 ardent Latics fans, with at least one superbly written piece each, ranging from ‘Non League Day’, the ‘PWU Podcast’ and tales from the ‘Bournemouth Away Weekender’.
The main launch will be on Saturday 1st November before the home game against Fulham. The mag will be on sale at the Club Shop, South Stand Supporters Club Bar and on the bridge over the Dougie next to the East Stand.
Issue 2 will be out on the sellers stands in time for the visit of Norwich City in December, we`re always looking for more contributors. If you`d like to get involved and feature a piece in future editions then please don’t hesitate to contact us: AllGoneLatics@gmail.com . Thank you for reading.
The AGL Team
In all seriousness, I intend to make a few more contributions to future issues, and they will all be self-centred rants similar to those housed right here at JWAW Towers. Also, write in and tell me what silly pictures to teletext-ise for a (possible) regular surgery from the Teletext Doctor. Er, that’s me, incidentally.
Updates etc. can be found at the Unofficial Wigan News and Banter Facebook page.
How could I ever get mad with you Danito
Because I am, in fact, Uwe Rosler. Ja, ist richtig!