February 14, 2025
Emmerson Boyce, This is Your Life

See, we got a red book and everything! Courtesy WiganToday

Emmerson Boyce, This is Your Life
See, we got a red book and everything! Courtesy WiganToday

Wait, don’t events like this generally occur in a player’s benefit year? Well, considering our current contract situation, Progress With Unity simply couldn’t take the chance of waiting another 12 months for Boycey’s big one-oh to tick around. And anyway, to hold an Emmerson Boyce tribute night at the end of this season would be more of a surprise, wouldn’t it?

That was the plan, anyway. The Latics club captain would have no idea that this ‘meal in aid of Joseph’s Goal’ was in fact a ‘This is Your Life’ party complete with big red book and Michael Aspel lookalike. Only joking, stadium announcer Martyn Ode isn’t that old!

Sorry, I’m aware that joke was a throwback to the old working men’s club comedy nights and hence has no place on a forward-thinking, politically correct blog such as this. I should hope, however, that the following video will be very welcome, especially for those who couldn’t make it to ‘PWU’s Secret Do’. As you might understand, we had to keep our considerable pie-holes rammed firmly shut otherwise a member of the Twitterati might have ‘accidentally’ let it slip.

Thankfully, the whole thing came as a complete shock to Boycey – he really had no clue. I hope you smile at this video as much as I did while filming and editing it. Aaaand now you know who to blame for the dodgy camerawork, I shall hastily disable comments on this post…

Clear your schedule and grab a can of carrot juice for this!

Pre/post-show extras

Includes autograph signing. See if you can spot yourself in this video!

If you enjoyed all that…

Canvas the club to give Emmerson a new contract and we can do it all again next year! But don’t tell Boycey, otherwise it would spoil the surprise…

Still here? I don’t blame you – *I* don’t want to leave for the summer yet. Here, have a ‘clean’ version of the FA Cup video with voiceover from PWU alumnus Danny Jamieson, edited by Barry. Let it be known that he did a better job than I ever could (evidence above…).

Don’t worry, there’ll be posts over the summer. Next up: something about the legends game this Friday, perhaps?

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