
Pay no attention to that suspicious bulge that makes the PWU rug look a bit like Santa’s ever-growing pre-Xmas sack. It certainly is *not* the plans for an open forum we attempted to sweep from public view… that discarded paperwork is simply a year’s worth of travel receipts to Beech Hill Book Cycle. But next time, we’ll be sure to send out proper invites rather than paper aeroplanes thrown limply in the general direction of people’s homes.
As you might be aware, there was no domestic action this week due to the international circus. So, to mark the start of BBC TV series The Apprentice, the crew indulge in a spot of PWU-style business conversation with the price of pies at football league grounds. Mr Whelan’s old mucker Lord Sugar would be very proud indeed!
It is only brief respite, however, for the doldrums loom – Latics related football chat is unavoidable on a Wigan Athletic podcast, and it isn’t all positive at this moment. I think we’re all in need of one of those supercheap Holland’s pies from the DW concourse!
YouTube version
Contents: ‘Sick’ intros (0:00); internationals: San Boring-o (1:10) including Watson for England (5:20); Value For Money Pie Report (7:40) including the business of football – attendance revenue (15:00) and replica shirt prices (27:00); Bee positive – Brentford preview (30:10) with hopeful predictions (43:20); Millwall beamback preview (45:00) with even more hopeful predictions (48:35); Rosler’s job on the line? (50:55)
Get involved!
Progress With Unity is currently the only Wigan Athletic fan podcast on the web. If you wish to get involved or have any topics you’d like to be discussed, please get in touch with Barry at wigan@vitalfootball.co.uk, marking your email PWU Podcast.
Tweet us your questions and comments: @PWUPodcast

Sorry I couldn’t be present for PWU’s very own Room 101, but I’ve been keeping a low public profile since Roy Keane’s The Second Half was released. There is an incriminating story about me halfway down page 968 that I’d rather you not go down to Wigan Library on the Wiend (in the sports section near the self-service book checkouts) to look up. I won’t go into much detail here, but it might involve toasters and a certain seafood sandwich filler making a small mess of a flatscreen television. Don’t buy the book from any major high street supermarket either, because I definitely am not getting a 10% commission for reproduction of content originally posted on JWAW. Nope.
And I certainly am not getting £40 to plug PWU’s PWU Twitter, iTunes, RSS and app pages. Why would I? It’s not like anyone ever reads this far down the page. For those that are, please do post your favourite brand of pie-flavoured biscuit in the comments, because I’m considering starting up a concession stand on Pagefield Industrial Estate. Move over Northern Rolls, a new challenger is soon to appear!