
As PWU’s monthly bandwidth quota nears its limit, the team must squeeze all their worldly gripes into a radio schedule-friendly 45 minute package. With seven panellists in the studio, it’s as daunting a task as juggling one of the Championship’s largest squads with half a dozen large-mouthed Wiganers shouting down a Dictaphone at the internet. Ooh, that would be exceedingly meta in the vein of that Christopher Nolan film – metaceptional, to coin a crass and slightly irritating phrase… so let’s see how far we can take it.
If you were appointed as Mr Whelan’s successor this instant, what would you send Uwe Rosler in a 120 character text message? That’s the question PWU are bastardising with 23-minute monologues per participant. Thankfully most of those have been cleverly edited to sound much shorter to appease the dastardly Dr Bandwidth, but look out for the Christmas DVD containing these along with hilarious out-takes involving streakers, stray dogs and oversized beach balls.
If 45 minutes isn’t enough for you, why not continue the conversation by tweeting us your own thoughts? Don’t go ranting at a wall on some internet forum, lend us some fuel for the international break edition of PWU. No, really – it’s getting cold in Beech Hill and we need something to keep the fire burning. Please?
YouTube version
Contents: Hasty intros (0:00); Bolton post-mortem including less than enthusiastic Statman (0:45), 20 seconds of positives (1:20), tactical scapegoating (6:30) and Rosler’s post-match apology (9:00); Magical Martinez (17:25); trusting the chairman’s judgement (day) (20:20); how long does Rosler have left? (29:30) including Chairman Mick asks: what would you do? (31:40) and bring back Jackson and Atherton! (41:00)
Get involved!
Progress With Unity is currently the only Wigan Athletic fan podcast on the web. If you wish to get involved or have any topics you’d like to be discussed, please get in touch with Barry at wigan@vitalfootball.co.uk, marking your email PWU Podcast.
Tweet us your questions and comments: @PWUPodcast

So Rosler has survived Judgement Day No. 1, but others will surely follow. Exactly how many waves of T-1000 fire he can battle through is as yet unknown, but you can be sure it will be documented right here on the web’s biggest Wigan Athletic podcast. PWU’s Twitter, iTunes, RSS and app pages will be essential reading… once the international week is over. Ooh man, for once I am glad of the break – there’s a lot of growling going on, and it isn’t just PWU’s resident pooch Roger that’s earned PWU a public order offence for ‘excessive barking’.