February 8, 2025

Wigan Athletic: recreation, labour or rest? (c)Sam Meech

Wigan Athletic: recreation, labour or rest? (c)Sam Meech
Wigan Athletic: labour, recreation or rest? (c)Sam Meech

Just think of all the things you can do in 480 minutes – go through a quarter of PWU’s back catalogue, or listen to half a Pink Floyd album. Or maybe you could count the blades of grass in your back garden three times over? Personally, I’ve been at the DW Stadium attempting to pick the chewing gum from the back of the seat in front of me whilst waiting for Wigan Athletic to score.

Martyn Waghorn’s overhead smash wasn’t just another goal. It signalled the end of many months in the wilderness of opposition clean sheets, a self-imposed exile to contemplate the very existence of the club itself. When ball hit net for the first time in eight hours, the screams were deafening, as if we’d just scored a goal in the FA Cup final or something. Never has a 1-1 draw meant so very much – though naught but a win would do, this draw was somehow just as exciting… well, for the people who didn’t leave five minutes early.

In the absence of domestic football this weekend, the PWU team devote nearly a whole podcast to analysing that very game in the minutest of detail before fielding a few questions from the floor. No, literally – we found our talking points on bits of screwed up paper strewn across the studio floor. And surprisingly, it works much better than an agenda!

YouTube version

Contents: Chilled out intros (0:00); Sh*t or Bust: Bolton review (0:45) including Adam gets his stats out (3:30); relegation run-in realism (13:00); PWU Question Time (17:40) including Perch or Kvist (or both)? (18:25) Have we missed James McClean? (20:45) Wigan Athletic: strikers’ graveyard? (23:10) Would one more loan player make a difference? (24:10); And Mackay hedging his Mckay bets? (26:00); Wigan Athletic TV show presenters (28:00)

Get involved!

Progress With Unity is still the one and only weekly Wigan Athletic fan podcast on the web. If you wish to get involved or have any topics you’d like to be discussed, please get in touch with Barry at wigan@vitalfootball.co.uk, marking your email PWU Podcast.

Tweet us your questions and comments: @PWUPodcast

How McClean is Your House?
Here’s one we missed – How McClean is Your House? (c) Paul Glazzard

Poor Barry – he must have spent his whole Wednesday evening going through the ‘Latics TV shows’ section with a metal detector, searching for the absolute clangers. Believe me, all suggestions that didn’t make the cut – for legal reasons and otherwise – could form a whole week of late night Comedy Store stand up routines.

So yeah, if the show is a bit short this week it’s because we lost our sense of exactly what is broadcastable on a small time internet podcast (STIP). But don’t let that stop you sending us your ‘off the wall’ Wigan Athletic television programmes! If they’re any good (and relatively tasteful), we’ll feature them right here on this very ‘cast – keep your eye on the PWU Twitter, iTunes, RSS and app pages to find out if yours made the cut. Oooh, it’s like waiting to see if your letter got published on teletext…

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2 thoughts on “PWU Wigan Athletic Podcast No. 121: Your 8 hours

  1. Nice goal that mate, and I’m made up for Martyn. Soon as it went in I turned my attention to the away end and let em have it, while people distanced themselves from me. Thought the old Bill did a good job keeping the peace on the way out. More of the same lads.

  2. See, in previous games we would never have got that goal… but now we actually have some form and a bit of fight, some goals are starting to creep in. Sadly, they crept in for Bolton, too…

    Still, I’d put 20p on Waghorn starting v Boro.

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