February 9, 2025
Please do not sit on the fence

Please do not sit on the fence

The seeds of apprehension planted last week are beginning to sprout into saplings of nervousness. After such a devastating weekend, can you blame us? But spirits are relatively high considering Wigan’s current situation – maybe it’s gallows humour, or the knowledge that we could be just a few minutes from glorious, glorious Wigan time at any given moment. Remember Newcastle this time last year?

There’s nothing like a good joke at the expense of our German cousins to lighten the mood. And with due respect to Paul, his joke was nothing like a good German joke. It was better than anything I could offer, however, so I maybe I should shut the heck up. Nah, can’t see that happening as us bloggers love the sound of our own keyboards being hammered.

I admit the first bout of phone interference was probably my fault, but please forgive this momentary lapse in concentration (because there are no doubt worse to come). By the way, I hope you enjoy these weekly ‘behind the scenes’ insights into the PWU podcast recordings. Better than if I just said ‘here’s the podcast, listen to it now’, eh? Nope? I’ll crawl back to me corner, then.

Contents: Manchester City review, again (2:10); West Ham review (7:56); the relegation scrap rages on (14:00); Tottenham preview (20:30); Wembley tickets – have you got yours? (41:00)

Get involved!

Progress With Unity is currently the only Wigan Athletic fan podcast on the web. If you would like to get involved or have any topics you’d like to be discussed please get in touch with Barry at wigan@vitalfootball.co.uk, marking your email PWU Podcast.

Never miss an episode of PWU again with the oh-so-handy PWU iTunes and RSS pages, available wherever small clubs dream. And the web.

Speaking of which, I’ve been away from t’internet for a few days. Did I miss much? To catch up, I might head over to the @PWUPodcast Twitter account after I’ve cleared my living room of breakable objects in preparation for Saturday evening. I ain’t looking forward to the weekend. *Winces*

On the bright side, this recent goal drought is somewhat unwarranted and somebody is gonna pay sooner or later. It could be Spurs. Thanks for listening, ‘Ticsmen (and women).

Image courtesy Michael Trolove (CC2.0)

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