(c)Bill Nicholls

Considering what’s to come on Saturday, it’s surprising that the Progress With Unity Podcast team are heavily cheesed off. Or maybe it isn’t, seeing as Tuesday night’s excuse for entertainment will most likely take until Saturday morning to erase from the memory. See, the infamous Mr Spink Before You Theek strikes again!
But we aren’t supposed to be thinking about that. We’re supposed to be thinking about buying a whole bed and breakfast in Wembley for these twice, maybe thrice-yearly trips – speaking of which, can I interest you in a timeshare? Hotel Wigan serves only the finest pie and pea breakfasts, plus all televisions come with free access to the exclusive JWAWText teletext service.
Contents: Welcome to the Woad to Wembley (0:00); Wigan-Leeds foul count analysis (0:58); venting some post-Millwall frustration (4:10) including 8 changes? (12:05); Big Wembley Bash including We Beat Man City With A Watson Goal (15:09) and again with a Perchinho goal (18:00); classic Arsenal encounters (31:15); Pointless discussion (39:15); FA Cup Semi Final predictions (42:34); just *what* was edited out? (44:40); London Calling (45:32)
Get involved!
Progress With Unity is currently the only Wigan Athletic fan podcast on the web. If you wish to get involved or have any topics you’d like to be discussed, please get in touch with Barry at wigan@vitalfootball.co.uk, marking your email PWU Podcast.
Tweet us your questions and comments: @PWUPodcast

I recommend you download this week’s episode and listen to it on the road to Wembley… or the flight, if you’re posh enough to be able to afford a hang glider. Failing that, I suppose you could grab a tea towel and leap off Winter Hill. You may well end up rolling uncontrollably through the farmlands of Blackrod and Horwich, but on the bright side there is a 0.00001% chance your home-made parachute might carry you to London. Worth a go, methinks.
Just remember to visit PWU’s iTunes, RSS and app pages *before* your trip to Manchester General, because I don’t think they have internet access in hospital beds. We wouldn’t want our remaining supporter base to literally die out – where on earth would PWU find its listeners then? London?