Now now, there's no need for the amateur dramatics. Can I get a refund on me ticket?

It’s OK, we’re fine. What did you expect, a second winless week to have us all negative? Heh, well you’re… correct, actually. It seems our enthusiasm has departed on a plane to Orlando, and it’s already ridden the Back To The Future Ride three times. I can think of four chaps who also wish they were there.
Rosler decided against buying that crash mat for another week, and with good reason – thanks to Fulham’s Tuesday night loss, Latics remain above that imaginary dotted line separating Championship relegatees from the other 21 relegation dodgers. And you know I’d rather be a dodger, and not because of an obvious link with the shortbread snack. Well OK, maybe a bit.
A good balance of debate in this week’s edition, so prepare for a ping-pong match of Commonwealth proportions as Barry asks if Rosler is still the man to lead Wigan Athletic in the 2014-15 season. The results are more interesting than an overheating Twittermachine polluting the webosphere with unnecessary non-positivity.
YouTube version
Contents: Intros: as positive as it gets? (0:00); Charlton review (1:10) with worrying Statman stats; The Forshaw Saga Episode 6 of 8 (6:57); overzealous(?) Cardiff review (8:30); Transfer Watch: 10 days of window shopping left! (16:25); Blackpool preview: reverse psychology (21:25); Jesus is a Wiganer, heheh (37:40); relegation dodging (39:30); Rosler: still the man for the job? (41:50); Hang On In There, Baby (48:30)
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Progress With Unity is currently the only Wigan Athletic fan podcast on the web. If you wish to get involved or have any topics you’d like to be discussed, please get in touch with Barry at wigan@vitalfootball.co.uk, marking your email PWU Podcast.
Tweet us your questions and comments: @PWUPodcast

Do not fear, for as the newspapers use yet another can of extra weak ink filling perfectly good paper with ‘transfer window’ and other words vaguely resembling English, PWU will retain its calm, Zenlike state. But that doesn’t mean JWAW will adhere to the same principles! Please don’t unsubscribe… wait, can you even subscribe to websites? I dunno, I live here in 1994 with my overclocked Amstrad CPC and five-button pocket calculator.
For those of you 20 years in the future, welcome from the past! I’m sure you know how to use those PWU iTunes, RSS and app pages better than I ever could. Hey, I wonder if you can get podcasts on that new-fangled teletext thing?