Tough times call for big ca-phones...

Thank you, thank you all! We had so many positive comments about last week’s guest appearance from the resident Book Cycle fax machine that we’ve booked the human telephone for later in the season.
And just to translate the previous paragraph, that ‘fax machine’ interference was actually down to a mystery panellist forgetting to turn their mobile telephone off. See, this never would have happened with Ceefax! Easy listening versions of the latest chart hits are sufficiently forgettable, and hence the perfect music to send you into a deep, impressionable trance. “When you wake up, you will immediately listen to every PWU Podcast recorded…”
Not that any topics on this week’s agenda will send you to sleep – far from it. With two wins, a new chairman and fan ownership on the agenda, we are more spoiled than ever for stuff to witter on for hours about. Alan Moore AKA Neill Rimmer’s Perm pops along to the Springfield for a chat about fan group Latics United, the driving force behind last weekend’s 90 Songs in 90 Minutes campaign. Well, it seemed to work, so let’s have more of it! And while we’re at it, get lucky charm Ed Jones to commentate on every game… we’ll never lose again.
YouTube version
Contents: Meditative intros (0:00); Seaside Special – a fun Blackpool ride (2:25) including beach of a pitch (5:00) and a tribute to Kimbo (10:30); Chirpy Canaries review (12:20) including possession is more or less bunk (15:00), Barry eats humble pie (19:00) and a touch of Fortuné (23:00); PWU Errata: sub-standard (28:45); will you start the fans please? Supporter involvement at WAFC with Alan Moore of Latics United (30:10); FABulous announcements including World Book Day shoutouts (47:40); all roads lead to… er, Leeds (51:30); goodbye, Mr Whelan (56:20)
Get involved!
Progress With Unity is still the one and only weekly Wigan Athletic fan podcast on the web. If you wish to get involved or have any topics you’d like to be discussed, please get in touch with Barry at wigan@vitalfootball.co.uk, marking your email PWU Podcast.
Tweet us your questions and comments: @PWUPodcast

Those of you that have actually heard all of the podcast before reading this, I wholeheartedly salute – you are Superman speed listeners of the highest order. Well, I guess it’s more likely that you fell asleep somewhere during that previous paragraph and woke up with the end tune playing…
But you might have heard something about a book charting the history of football stickers and thought, “yeah, I’ll have one of those”. Well, here’s your opportunity – copies are available to purchase from Amazon right now! Please don’t quote JWAW when ordering, however, because it won’t get you a 20p discount… in fact, they’re more likely to put your order out of reach on the highest shelf. Er, let’s just say I can never go back to Amazon HQ.
I’ll let you know when the book’s available from WH Smith in Wigan via the usual PWU Twitter, iTunes, RSS and app pages, so check/avoid those as you see fit.
Norwich v Wigan extended highlights courtesy Norwich City TV
Meh, it wasn’t that bad a tackle!