OK, lads, on your marks...

“Objectively, the number 451 is larger than 442.” Please discuss this statement at great length with incredible fanboyish enthusiasm/aggression until you lose all sensation in your fingers and find yourself camped permanently at Christopher Park with just two extra large packs of budget brand tortilla chips and last Wednesday’s underpants to your name.
Subjectively, there isn’t much explicit formation discussion on this week’s edition of the Progress With Unity Podcast… but read between the lines and you’ll find that all football boils down to where the boss puts the salt and pepper containers in his pre-match restaurant pep talk. Yes, friends – since this sport is a Numerological construct, it is not about the goals you score but the figures you write on a piece of paper.
Effectively, as we have witnessed, support strikers can be as non-functional or functional as a sufficiently talented opposition renders them. In the end, it all counts for naught when everyone’s up for a corner anyway. But enough about Gillingham, because the Alex (no, not that one) are soon to arrive on the 10:32 from Crewe, and we have a new feature to welcome them – guest previews!
Introspectively, I… erm… well, have nothing more to say. I just wanted to continue the rhyming paragraph openers.
YouTube version
Contents: A sCREWEd up intro (0:00); sick to the Gills: scorchin’ Gillingham review including Statman (1:40), 4 points from 4 games (8:00) and right back to the left luggage office [hur] (13:00); unbeatable at home (15:30); crosswords and cross words on the Morecambe friendly (20:00); transfer window ins and outs, comings and goings (24:00); next six games – preview (33:20); not-at-all-scripted Crewe preview with Dan (36:00); Barry’s FAB stand up show (42:00); favourite era in Wigan Athletic’s history? (46:20)
Get involved!
Progress With Unity is still the one and only weekly Wigan Athletic fan podcast on the web. If you wish to get involved or have any topics you’d like to be discussed, please get in touch with Barry at wigan@vitalfootball.co.uk, marking your email PWU Podcast.
Tweet us your questions and comments: @PWUPodcast

*Checks windows and doors*
OK, I think we’re safe. Please keep this to yourself or Sky Sports News may get wind, but I hear… (the transfer window closes next week). Ahhhh never mind – you just know that somewhere, Jim White’s ears pricked up for a microsecond as I said that. He’s the sort of guy that wakes up in cold sweats screaming ‘don’t take away my transfer window’.
We will have our own deadline day report by Wednesday evening, so don’t use PWU’s Twitter, iTunes, RSS and app pages or everything will be spoiled. I hear Leigh town centre is a great place to avoid Wigan Athletic results, so maybe I’ll go there until transfer deadline day has passed. Hey, wasn’t that the 598 driving by just then? Driver, wait for me…