February 8, 2025
Iron E

Oh, the iron E! Er, wait a sec...

Iron E
Oh, the iron E! Er, wait a sec…

Oh, the irony – that one derided by a great majority, with the first touch of a man made of rubber, should come within a pigeon’s fart of a hat trick (for the second time in four weeks), while the hamstrung darling of ES2 should remain unrewarded. Cruel, cruel fate!

OK, Shakespeare, enough of the romanticism. While it’s true the East Stand does so love Craig Davies, they will also know that it takes two (or should that be four four two?) to perform a Tangerine tango. In other words, one ought to complement the other like jam does wholemeal bread, like Jones does Martinez, like… PWU does podcasts?

OK, Yeats, enough of the analogies – I think you’d struggle to find one to match an 8-goal swing in two games, and anyway, the linesman just ruled this blog post offside so I’d better shut up and blast the ball away. Yeah, I can take the yellow card! After this, I’ll use my other booking to perform backup goalie duties and palm the ball off the line, haha!

OK, bumhole, enough of the thinly veiled sarcasm.

YouTube version

Contents: ‘One-shot’ intros (0:00); Buried by Bury with Gareth’s ‘positive’ From The Terrace Report (1:20), O’Donnell’s Christmas tape submission (4:00) and Latics fans’ record possession stat (7:50); Blackpool review with Paul’s literal On The Terrace Report (9:20), James vs. Kellett: The Big Showdown (15:00) and a ‘shoutout’ for Emmerson ‘Turtle’ Boyce [sorry!] (18:30); a new signing to Revell in (22:10); Rochdale non-preview (27:00) including Si’s Odds Checker (28:05) and predictions in the style of Alan Partridge (30:40); Boycey testimonial (33:15), we will remember them (35:26)

*Note: this is the episode where Barry farted and gave himself cramp (31:50).

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Progress With Unity is still the one and only weekly Wigan Athletic fan podcast on the web. If you wish to get involved or have any topics you’d like to be discussed, please get in touch with Barry at wigan@vitalfootball.co.uk, marking your email PWU Podcast.

Tweet us your questions and comments: @PWUPodcast

Batman Bugler
Just who *is* that masked bugler?!

What, how on earth could I have written over 1,000 words about the Blackpool game and neglected to mention the most entertaining aspect of the night? Why, that poor lone trumpeter somewhere in ES2 or ES3 must have rehearsed those two notes for all of three weeks in hopes of spurring his side to Paint Trophy glory. And looking at the scoreline, I think it’s a case of mission a-flippin’-complished – he certainly upstaged Jussi’s new(ish) haircut, anyway. Rock on- or, er, tootle on!

Listen out for the radio debut of Bugleman’s forthcoming album on a future edition of PWU via the Twitter, iTunes, RSS and app pages. Maybe.

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