The Leigh Sports Village (c)JackyR

At long, long last, Progress With Unity returns from the summer holidays with a new-found optimism for its third season of bag-booting commentary. Brushing off the daunting prospect of the nervous nineties ahead, the conspicuously tanned team don their Hawaiian shorts and knee-length socks in readiness for another damp August in the north west of Englandland.
But what’s this? Ack, blooming typical. The season hasn’t even started and that wretched Elton John has been wreaking revenge for that one episode where Mick literally took the Mick. The Leigh Sports Village will never be the same after Mr John’s mudbath extravaganza last month.
Not even that, however, can dampen PWU’s collective excitement for yet another ten month campaign of household appliance-exploding opinion, review and plain silliness. In fact, Elton, we’d prefer to play our games at the DW anyway, so phrrrrt!
That was me blowing a raspberry, by the way. Honest.
YouTube version
Contents: Espinoza: The New Scharner? (0:00); a World Cup joke (2:50); New boys roll call (4:00) and prospective recruits – truth or bullbutter? (19:45); injury hangover (25:20); Barry’s pants woes and ‘optimistic’ friendlies review (28:00); Promo Corner: Fans’ Forum starring Barry (37:00); it’s good to be back (39:00)
Get involved!
Progress With Unity is currently the only Wigan Athletic fan podcast on the web. If you wish to get involved or have any topics you’d like to be discussed, please get in touch with Barry at wigan@vitalfootball.co.uk, marking your email PWU Podcast.
Tweet us your questions and comments: @PWUPodcast

So, er, what happened to that World Cup review, eh? Well, I think we lost interest after Chile were knocked out. Still, Our Jean (now known as ‘Their’ Jean since he moved to Colo-Colo) remained in the competition long enough to score the (JWAW) Goal of the Tournament. I would award him the contents of my copper jar, but it seems he’s out of the country at the moment. Besides, my copper jar is empty since I spent all 76p on a hilariously overpriced chocolate bar.
And that’s the last time I’ll talk about the World Cup… maybe. Look, do me a favour, would ya? Check future editions of the podcast using the iTunes, RSS and app pages and send me a strongly-worded letter whenever I even so much as mention ze Coupe du Monde. But the FA Cup is OK, so save your bingo pen ink and Holiday Inn headed letter paper. That’s high quality stuff you don’t want to waste!