(c)Jermaine Pennant

To continue the theme established in last week’s podcast (to the tune of Johnny Cash’s 25 Minutes to Go), Latics’ death sentence has been halted… for now. The executioner has been momentarily distracted by a lone voice from the crowd – in this instance, the Football League and their ten-volume rulebook. But those cheeky scamps about to open the trapdoor – in this case, Wolves – are one short finger movement from ending the whole thing a week early.
We don’t know if we’ll still be alive this time next week, but as long as there is hope, the Believe bus will keep on rolling through Beech Hill inexorably towards the town centre. Just, er, stay out of its way because the driver may also be dead at the wheel and/or sent for an early summer holiday in Tours, France.
Having resigned themselves to relegation for weeks, the Progress With Unity squad are understandably happy that the merest sliver of an opportunity exists. The prospect of a home-grown hero raises spirits as everyone chips in to brainstorming sessions for Tim Chow’s forthcoming ‘Roy of the Rovers’-style comic strip to be serialised in a local paper (TBC).
YouTube version
Contents: Sunny intros (0:00); Brighton rocks including Statman (1:40), 50 Shades of Caldwell (3:00), Chow the Main Man (8:30) and Caldwell’s Meet and Greet feat (9:30); keep believin’: motivational video time (12:20); two left games and… still in it?! (13:10); Pete Reece’s open letter to the players of Wigan Athletic (21:10); next up: Nouha Dicko’s Wolves (23:20) and Wigan Time predictions (30:30)
Get involved!
Progress With Unity is still the one and only weekly Wigan Athletic fan podcast on the web. If you wish to get involved or have any topics you’d like to be discussed, please get in touch with Barry at wigan@vitalfootball.co.uk, marking your email PWU Podcast.
Tweet us your questions and comments: @PWUPodcast

Isn’t everything so sweet when you can win at home? The sun is shining and the sparrows are tweeting their tweets… on Twitter, or something. Newfound inspiration flows through the club as Rotherham and Millwall edge closer to the drop zone patrolled by hungry wolves (Wolves?)… we couldn’t do it again, could we?
Regardless of Saturday’s events, two podcasts remain for the 2014-15 season. Until our self-imposed summer hibernation, why not join PWU in daydreaming of 2007 and 2011 with our Twitter, iTunes, RSS and app pages? Remember, dreams are free… in most States. Check with your local provider for regional variations.
And did those feet in ancient times…
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Ha Ha Ha , how uncomfortable does Kim Bo look. Not as uncomfortable as me if we do manage to stay up. My pledge still stands mate. Come on Wigan.
Don’t worry, holding you to your promise is going to be the last thing on our minds if we stay up. Maybe everyone will forget? 😛